Saturday, April 24, 2010

hey, check out my new website

lots more goodies for sale

two boys and a dog....the story continues.....

this is my second book, two boys and a two boys in red hats teach their dog finn the basics...go, finn, go....good dog, finn..this comes as a set with my first book, my red hat, in a cellophane bag with red ribbon, $15.

my red original early reader book

this is my first children's red hat

i used early reader sight words for kinder and 1st graders, ala dick and jane...i did the original on my old smith and corona typewriter..too small of words said oli...he was right....i illustrated it in pen, ink, watercolor and crayon with a little gold pen tossed in..clean and simple..set of 2 books in cellophane bag and red ribbon. great baby gift. $15